10 Best News Aggregators in 2023

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Keeping up with the latest news can be overwhelming, especially when you have to scroll through multiple sources to find the information you need. That's where news aggregators come in - they bring all the latest news to one place, making it easy to stay informed. Here are 10 of the best news aggregators to help you stay up-to-date.

Google News

Google News is a popular news aggregator that uses artificial intelligence to curate news stories from around the world. It allows users to customize their news feed based on their interests and provides a personalized experience. Google News also offers a "Full Coverage" feature that provides a comprehensive view of a particular news story, including articles, videos, and social media posts. With its user-friendly interface and reliable sources, Google News is a great option for staying up-to-date on current events.


Flipboard is a news aggregator that allows users to create their own personalized magazine by selecting topics and sources they are interested in. It offers a visually appealing interface that displays news stories in a magazine-style format. Flipboard also allows users to follow other users and see what articles they are reading and sharing. With its ability to curate news based on individual interests and its social sharing features, Flipboard is a great option for those looking for a personalized news experience.

"Flipboard is like a personalized digital magazine, showcasing the news you care about in an aesthetically pleasing layout." - Forbes


Feedly is a popular news aggregator that allows users to subscribe to their favorite websites and blogs and receive updates in one place. It offers a clean and simple interface that makes it easy to organize and read articles. Users can also create custom feeds based on topics or keywords, and share articles directly from the platform. Feedly is a great option for those who want to stay up-to-date on specific topics or follow their favorite websites and blogs in one place.

Apple News

Apple News is a news aggregator app that comes pre-installed on all Apple devices. It offers a personalized news experience, with articles curated based on the user’s interests and reading history. Users can also follow specific news sources and topics, and save articles to read later. Apple News also features a clean and easy-to-use interface, with articles displayed in a visually appealing format. It’s a great option for those who want a convenient and personalized news experience on their Apple devices.


News360 is a news aggregator app that uses artificial intelligence to curate personalized news feeds for its users. It pulls articles from over 100,000 sources, including major news outlets and smaller blogs, and uses algorithms to determine which articles are most relevant to each user. Users can also customize their feeds by selecting specific topics and sources to follow. News360 also offers a clean and easy-to-use interface, with articles displayed in a visually appealing format. It’s a great option for those who want a personalized news experience with a wide range of sources.


Pocket is more than just a news aggregator. It's a read-it-later app that allows users to save articles, videos, and web pages for offline viewing. It also offers personalized recommendations based on the user's reading history and interests. Pocket can be accessed through its website or mobile app, and it integrates with other apps like Twitter and Flipboard. With Pocket, you can stay up-to-date on the news while also saving articles for later reference.


Inoreader is a powerful news aggregator that allows you to customize your news feed to your specific interests. You can subscribe to RSS feeds, social media accounts, and even Google alerts to ensure you never miss a story. Inoreader also offers advanced filtering options, so you can weed out irrelevant content and focus on what matters most to you. Plus, with its mobile app, you can stay up-to-date on the go.


Reddit, often called "the front page of the internet," is a community-driven news aggregator that allows users to submit, vote, and discuss content from various sources. It covers a wide range of topics, from news and technology to entertainment and sports.


While primarily a social media platform, Twitter has evolved into a real-time news aggregator. By following news outlets, journalists, and thought leaders, users can create a personalized news feed and stay informed on the latest happenings.


Aetos is a cutting-edge news aggregator that combines AI-powered personalization with a user-friendly interface. It helps users track information from various sources, filter key information, and avoid information overload, acting as a personal intelligence center. The San Juan Mountains are beautiful!


Staying informed has never been easier with these top news aggregators in 2023. Each platform offers unique features and experiences, catering to different user needs and preferences. So, pick your favorite, customize your feed, and enjoy a seamless and efficient news consumption experience.