top scoring links :
me irl
Elijah Wood wants to tell you something...
Roast Belt
Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters flying through Hurricane Milton
Huge sixgill sharks spotted by submarine, eating a whale carcass. They then decide to smash into the submarine
Strange W shaped pupil of a Cuttlefish
Daughters to dads who support Trump: ‘You chose him over me’
Jenna Fischer shares about being diagnosed with cancer last year
A new study has found that, whether you do it at 35 or 75, quitting cigarette smoking will add years to your life | The findings go to prove that you’re never too old to reap the benefits of stopping smoking.
How couples met 1930-2024
Use concrete
The Duality of Man
Yeah, there very much WAS a convicted pedophile in the conversation
TIL that Sylvester Graham (of Graham Cracker fame), the original clean-eating guru and vegetarian pioneer who shunned alcohol, lust, meat, and even white bread, died at age 57 of complications from an opium enema
Solid advice in the next few days!
TIL Most fans assume Imagine Dragons' 'Radioactive' is about a post apocalyptic world. But lyrics writer Dan Reynolds revealed in '21 it was actually about waking up in a new world after losing his faith in Mormonism.
Hearing the truth is both refreshing and disturbing
Japanese wrestling
The cognitive dissonance and denial needed to still believe in this conman is truly incredible
damn fidgets
Difference between girls and boys