My Mom always wanted a Michael Kors bag but could never afford it. 4 years of saving arcade tickets later, I picked up her Christmas gift today!

My Mom always wanted a Michael Kors bag but could never afford it. 4 years of saving arcade tickets later, I picked up her Christmas gift today!

She's never had much extra spending money, and anything she had went towards her kids. She would occasionally mention how much she loved MK. I remember one time she managed to get entered to win $1000 at Michael Kors and spent the rest of the day looking at what she could buy with it, clearly never actually winning.

Fast forward to when I went to college, I started going to an arcade semi-regularly just for fun. Now, over 3 years later, I notice there's a MK bag in the shop, and I hadn't used any tickets since I started going so I am able to finally buy her what she's always dreamed of having. So exited for Christmas morning!

submitted by /u/Available-Show-2393 to r/MadeMeSmile
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